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  • Donor ($100)

  • Patron ($250)

  • Benefactor ($500) Receive Five-Year Subscription to Femspec

  • Friend ($1000) Receive Ten-Year Subscription to Femspec


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Femspec Ed. Batya Weinbaum

1610 Rydalmount Road

Cleveland Heights, OH 44118


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You will be acknowledged and thanked profusely in future issues!


Special thanks to the Department of English and Office of Minority Affairs, Student General Fees, Cleveland State University, and Comparative Literature Department, and the University of Southern California.

Benefactors: Robert Vonderosten and SFRA.


Femspec Charter Members: Virginia Allen, Ed Barnas, Virginia Bemis, Jan Bogstad, Paulette Carroll, William Clemente, Daley College, Kathe Davis, Donald Hassler, David Newman, Annis Pratt, Donna Simone, Anne Collins Smith, Edrie Sobstyl, Susan Stratton, Marta Weigle and Barbara Weinbaum.


Femspec Sustaining Members: Suzy Charnas, Phillipa Kafka, Elizabeth Stein, and Carol D. Stevens.


Femspec Donors: Beatriz Badikian, Janice Bogstad, Donald Hassler, Diana Orendi, Barbara Weinbaum, Cantor Wolpert, and Robert Vonderosten.


Femspec Patrons: Alan Farrell, Science Fiction Research Association


Femspec Friends: College of Arts and Sciences, Department of English, Paulette Carrol, Office of the Provost, Cleveland State University; T. Walley Williams, Robert von der Osten, SFRA, Temple Univesity Women's Studies Program, and the School of Arts and Humanities at University of Texas at Dallas.

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